Sister Bridget Haase -379

Let me introduce you to someone who is the very definition of Grace. She’s Sister Bridget Haase, the author of many spiritually uplifting books such as Generous Faith and Doors to the Sacred, both of which share stories of family and times in Sudan, Senegal, Mexico and Appalachia. Recipient of several awards, she has led retreats and parish missions nationwide and has ministered to everyone from paraplegics at the Boston Home to 3 and 4 year-olds in her role  as “St. Storyteller.“  We are such close friends, her life energy has blessed me along with so many others.  Enjoy a conversation with this remarkable new Orleans native!

Cindy Pease Roe -378

Today I welcome artist, educator and marine advocate, Cindy Pease Roe, whose inspiration comes from her deep, abiding kinship with the sea to craft her unforgettable paintings and sculptures.  Cindy incorporates a variety of media to capture the depth of her subjects. She deftly paints historic, and often endangered working waterfronts. But most importantly, she has garnered the interest of art lovers and environmentalists alike by collecting plastic debris and flotsam she finds along the shoreline and transforming them into thought-provoking, visually stimulating three-dimensional forms.

Kiwi Recovery -377

There is a national crisis of drug abuse and mental illness affecting our adolescent and young adult population. Meet two representatives from a new agency that is meeting the challenges head on. We present Clinical Director Brenna Fichter LISCW and Business Development Manager Caitlin Axelrod-McLeod with the recently opened Kiwi Recovery Center in Concord, Massachusetts. The focus is on the groundbreaking work done by these practitioners in empowering our kids, offering them a healthier pass to success.

Dr. Gary Simonds -376

Dr. Gary Simonds is a neurosurgeon who has spent decades savings lives in Level 1 trauma centers.   He shares stories of what happens when doctors are pressured to make life saving decisions with no time to spare.   His terrific new novel, “Death’s Pale Flag,” tells the story of an intrepid doctor, a brain surgeon and unlikely war hero , who in the midst of pushing himself to the extreme to help his patients, encounters what appear to be ghostly figures.  Are they real or the result of his intense burnout. Strap in for a scintillating tale of medicine and the supernatural!

Renee Jain -375

As founder and Chief Storyteller at GoZen!, Renee Jain is recognized as a pioneer in marrying technology and child psychology in a unique approach that nurtures the hearts and minds of kids. Through her writing, product invention and development, masterclasses for parents, and children’s advocacy, she works to build the emotional intelligence of kids. Tens of thousands of families and professionals testify to the unparalleled success of GoZen!’s programs.  I’m honored to share details with you on this episode!

Michael J. Tougias -374

From “The Finest Hours,” to “A Storm Too Soon” best-selling author Michael J. Tougias has established himself as an expert on deep survival.  He chronicles what he has learned from those who have challenged danger and death in his brilliant new book “Extreme Survival: Lessons from Those Who Have Triumphed Against All Odds.”  Michael’s reporting and storytelling will motivate and inspire anyone facing a struggle.

Jenna Fisher -373

Today, we talk with one of the top leadership consultants in the U.S. Jenna Fisher is committed to finding transformational leaders who can guide companies forward in a changing world. She has just authored a book entitled, “To The Top:How Women in Corporate Leadership Are Rewriting the Rules of Success.” Jenna points how the work world is changing and what skillsets people need to move forward!

Donna Halper -372

Newly inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame, Donna Halper is pioneer in the industry.  She has done it all from working as a popular on-air disc jockey to programming and consulting with top major market radio groups.  She is also a broadcast historian, published author and college professor teaching communications to the next generation of broadcasters.  Oh, as if that’s not enough,  Donna was the host who spotted talent in a little rock band known as “Rush.”  She helped launch thtem to super stardom map and they’ve remained close riends since the 1970’s.

Stona Fitch -371

Stona Fitch is a first-rate novelist with the kind of edge and wicked cool sense of  humor that readers love.  We’ll explore his latest book, “Death Watch,” a gripping satire about materialist culture and more.  Dennis Lehane calls Fitch ,  “A terrific writer who knows how to spin a yarn with grit and confidence.”  I have a strong feeling you’ll agree!

Natasha Lance Rogoff -370

Meet a daring creative woman with an incredible story,  Natasha Lance Rogoff.  She is the author of “Muppets In Moscow: The Unexpected Crazy True Story of Making Sesame Street  in Russia. “  Natasha was the American TV producer tasked with launching the public television show in  the former Soviet Union.  Amidst bombings, assassinations and a military takeover of the production office, she and the talented Moscow team of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and puppeteers remained determined to bring laughter, learning and a new way of seeing the world to the children of Russia,, Ukraine and across the former Soviet empire.