Monthly Archives: September 2024

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Joining us today in the first of two interviews is author Dale Pollock.  Dale is a seasoned  journalist, movie producer and film professor. On this podcast, we talk about his book “Chopped: A Novel,” a vintage crime novel about the infamous Webster-Parkman trial in 1850 Boston, involving a heinous murder case that captivated the nation.

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James Deary, a successful business entrepreneur and family man.  never wanted to be a psychic medium. This ability more or less “happened” to him. His first near-death experience occurred when he was two years old. At age eight, he saw his first apparition. Soon thereafter, psychic experiences became commonplace. Looking back, he was always a clairvoyant who could see Spirit, but the sensing, knowing, and hearing Spirit developed over many years.  He has published a memoir entitled, “The Birth of an American Medium.”   Jim has never been in it for profit, he is as regular a guy as anyone.  He just happen to have certain gifts and offers evidence that the experiences are real.  A fascinating conversation awaits!

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Running legend Dave McGillivray has inspired millions of people through his work as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, motivational speaker, author, and athlete. Dave is best known for his athletic feats including his 80-day trek across the United States, running the 3,452 miles from Medford, Ore., to Medford, Mass. in the summer of 1978 to benefit the Jimmy Fund, not to mention marathoning across seven continents in seven days!  But wait, there is more. Dave has received acclaim for directing or consulting on more than 1,400 events throughout the world including the Boston Marathon, the Olympic Marathon trials, and the Olympic Games. We ‘ll focus on a series of children’s books that tell his remarkable story!