Monthly Archives: August 2024

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Dr. Patricia Muehsam is the Founder of Transformational Medicine and the author of  “Beyond Medicine: A Physician’s Revolutionary Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health and Finding Inner Peace.”  Join us as we explore exciting new developments in health and healing, many of them based on millennia-old traditions. Dr. Trish discusses the incredible power of the human mind in realizing radiant health. She introduces us to healers and some of their remarkable curative talents. And she offers hard science with clinical proof that inner peace is achievable and  essential for absolute health.

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Meet a proud young mother of two who decided to publish her first children’s book, one that will teach valuable lessons and entertain not only her own family but children everywhere. Khushbu Sikaria is the author of “The Lollipop Fairy,” a story of collaboration, creativity and (of course) candy, that shows just how kids can modify a habit or behavior by tuning into their imagination.

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Lesli Suggs has had a long and distinguished career as a highly-trained social worker. She continues to give back in her role as President and Chief Executive Officer of The New England Home for Little Wanderers. The Home began centuries ago and each year, its community based programs and residences meet the needs of more than 15,000 diverse youngsters and family members. These children are often society’s most vulnerable, victims of trauma, violence or shattered family lives. We are happy to showcase the important work that Lesli and her dedicated team are doing for our kids! The Home for Little Wanderers